Saturday 29 June 2019

Sarson Ka Saag

Sarson saag (mustard leaves preparation) is a very famous delicacy from Punjab. This delicious saag is served with makke ki roti (bread made with cornmeal). Sarson ka saag amd makke di roti is a very popular combo in Punjab. Now a days in winter time one can find this combo all the restaurants..Mustard leaves can be easily found in the Indian stores and also in supermarkets. In India this delicious and famous combo is usually made in cold weather when green eafy vegetables are easily available. There are so many different ways to make sarson ka sagg here I am sharing my recipe of sarson ka saag which is easy to follow, delicious, and is our family’s favorite. Enjoy this Punjabi delicacy and do not forget to share your comments. Happy cookimg, Shuchi.
sarson ka saag
Preparation Time: 10 minutes 
time: 15 minutes 
Approximately 120 calories in each serving

Ingredients (Serves 4)
Mustard Leaves 400 gms/1 bunch
Spinach 350 gms/ 1 bunch
Green chilies 4-5
Fenugreek powder ¼ tsp
Onion 1 medium
Ginger 1 inch piece
Cornmeal (makke ka aata) 1½ tbsp
Salt 1 tsp
Garam masala ½ tsp
Lemon juice 1 tsp
Ghee 2 tbsp 
Ingredients to serve:
Ghee/ Butter for serving 2-3 tbsp
Makke di Roti
Ingredients to boil the greens:
Water 1 cup
Salt ½ tsp
Sugar ¼ tsp

Method of preparation:

  1. Remove thick and hard stems of mustard and spinach leaves and wash them thoroughly. Do not need to discard the young and tender stems. Leave mustard and spinach in a colander to remove extra water.
mustard leaves
mustard leaves
  1. Boil 1 cup water in a big sauce pan. Add ½ tea spoon salt and ¼ tea spoon sugar (to maintain the green color), boil the mustard leaves in the hot water till tender. It takes about 3-5 minutes to boil the mustard leaves.
  2. Now add spinach leaves. Boil the leaves for 2 mintes. Turn of the heat. Let the greens cool down for 5-10.
  3. Remove the stem and wash the green chilies.
  4. Make a coarse paste of boiled mustad leaves, spinach leaves and green chilies. Make sure the paste is coarse (do not overgrind).
coarsely ground greens
coarsely ground greens
  1. Peel wash, and finely chop the onion. Peel , wash and finely chop the ginger.
  2. In a wok, heat the 2-3 table spoon ghee. Add chopped onions. Fry the onions until it gets transluscent (takes about 2-3 minutes) . Add grated ginger and fry for 30 seconds.
  3. Add coarse paste of greens in the sauted onions and cook for 5 minutes.
  4. Mix 1 table spoon makke ka aata (cornmeal) with 2 tbsp water. Make a thick paste. Add this makke ka paste in greens. Mix well and add salt, garam masala, and fenugreek powder. Mix well and cook for 7-8 minutes.
  5. Turn off the heat. Add lemon juice. Taste and adjust the spices as per taste. Delicious saag is ready.
sarson ka saag
  1. Pour hot ghee onto the saag at the time of serving. Serve hot saag with makke ki roti and jaggery (गुड़).
sarson ka saag

Some Tips/ Suggestions:

  1. We need makke ka aata (cornmeal) for this recipe, but not corn starch.
  2. If you do not eat onions make this saag without using onion, the saag tastes good even without onions.
  3. Do not overcook the mustard and spinach, as overcooking will not only fade the color of the greens but also affect the taste.

Recipe of Makke Di Roti

makke di roti

राजमा के कबाब

शाकाहारी कबाब कई तरह के होते हैं, जैसे की, अरबी के कबाब, कच्चे केले के कबाब, पपीते के कबाब इत्यादि. यह विधि राजमा के कबाब की है जो बनाने में तो आसान हैं ही खाने में भी बहुत स्वादिष्ट होते हैं. राजमा में घुलनशील फाइबर बहुतायत में होता है. इसमें प्रोटीन, आइरन, और मैग्नीशियम आदि भी प्रचुर मात्रा में पाया जाता है. राजमा के कबाब को हमने तवे में सेक कर बनाया है जिससे इसमें तेल का बहुत ही कम इस्तेमाल हुआ है, तो यह स्वादिष्ट होने के साथ पौष्टिक भी हैं. आप चाहें तो इसे तल भी सकते हैं. तो आप भी बनायें राजमा के कबाब और कृपया अपनी राय और सुझाव जरूर लिखें. शुभकामनाओं के साथ, शुचि

rajma ke kebab
तैयारी का समय : 15 मिनट 
पकाने का समय : 20 मिनट 
भिगोने का समय : 5 घंटे 
एक कबाब में लगभग 65 कैलोरी हैं.


  • (16 कबाब के लिए )
  • राजमा 1 कप
  • उबला आलू 1 मध्यम
  • प्याज बारीक कटा 1 मध्यम
  • अदरक बारीक कटी 2 छोटे चम्मच
  • हरी मिर्च 2 बारीक कटी
  • हरा धनिया बारीक कटा 2 बड़े चम्मच
  • जीरा ½ छोटा चम्मच
  • नमक 1 ½ छोटे चम्मच/ स्वादानुसार
  • लाल मिर्च पाउडर ¼ छोटे चम्मच
  • गरम मसाला ½ छोटे चम्मच
  • चाट मसाला ½ छोटे चम्मच
  • तेल 2 छोटे चम्मच+ सेकने के लिए
  • परोसने के लिए
  • हरी धनिया की चटनी

बनाने की विधि :
  1. राजमा को बीनकर धो लें. अब इसे लगभग 3-4 कप पानी में रात भर के लिए भिगो दें. अगर आप रात में राजमा भिगोना भूल जाएँ तो आप इसे सुबह भी भिगो सकते हैं लेकिन आप जब भी राजमा भिगोयें इसे कम से कम 5 घंटे के लिए गुनगुने पानी में भिगोकर रखें.
  1. राजमा को 1 छोटा चम्मच नमक डालकर मध्यम आँच पर प्रेशर कुकर में उबाल लें. राजमा को गलने में 10-12 मिनट का समय लगता है. राजमा 1 सीटी में आराम से गल जाता है.
  2. उबले राजमा को थोड़ा ठंडा हो जाने दें. अब इसे छलनी पर पलट दें जिससे इसका अतिरिक्त पानी निकल जाए. इस पानी को आप फेंक भी सकते हैं लेकिन आप इसे सूप, दाल आदि में डाल भी सकते हैं.
  3. अब राजमा को एक बड़े कटोरे या परत में लें और इसे अच्छे से मसल लें.
  4. उबले आलू को छीलकर अच्छे से मसल लें.
ingredients for rajma kebeb
  1. एक कड़ाही में 2 छोटे चम्मच तेल गरम करें. जब तेल गरम हो जाए तो इसमें आधा छोटा चम्मच जीरा डालें. जब जीरा तड़क जाए तो इसमें कटी प्याज डालें और 2 मिनट के लिए प्याज को भूनें. अब इसमें घिसी हुई अदरक और कटी हुई हरी मिर्च डालें. कुछ सेकेंड्स भूनें.
onion frying for kebab
  1. अब भुने प्याज में मसला हुआ राजमा , मसले हुए आलू, आधा छोटा चम्मच नमक, पिसा धनिया, लाल मिर्च पाउडर, गरम मसाला और चाट मसाला डालें. सभी सामग्री को अच्छे से मिलाएँ. कुछ एक मिनट भूनें जिससे राजमा का अतिरिक्त पानी सूख जाए.
  2. अब इसमें कटा हरा धनिया डालें. अच्छे से मिलाएँ. अब आँच बंद कर दें.
  3. कबाब के इस मिश्रण को थोड़ा ठंडा होने दें.<
mixture for kebab
  1. अब इस मिश्रण के 16 अंडाकार या गोल कबाब बना लें. आप किसी और आकर के कबाब बना सकते हैं . अब कबाब को सेट करने के लिए ढककर फ्रिज में रखें लगभग 20 मिनट के लिए. ऐसा करने से कबाब चिकने बनते हैं और सकते समय फटते नही हैं.
kebeb is ready for frying
  1. एक तवे/ पैन को गरम करिए. इसमें थोड़ा सा तेल डालिए और मध्यम आँच पर कबाब को दोनों तरफ से लाल होने तक सेकिये.
  2. स्वादिष्ट और पौष्टिक कबाब को धनिया की चटनी< के साथ परोसिए. लखनऊ शहर में कबाब के साथ पतली और लंबी कटी प्याज भी परोसी जाती हैं.
rajma ke kebab



Poha Recipe or kanda poha or red rice poha recipe is a quick, easy, healthy popular Maharashtrian breakfast recipe . The word ‘poha’ is a Maharashtrian term for beaten rice. While kanda poha or kande pohe stands for poha cooked with onions, hence it is also called onion pohaKanda poha recipe is made using beaten rice or flattened rice tossed with onions, peanuts and seeasonings. Then, poha is topped with essentials like grated coconut, sev and served hot as a breakfast or light meals. Pack it either for kid’s school lunch or as a mid meal snacks for yourself. Here is how to make poha recipe step by step

Onion Poha

Kanda Poha Recipe, How to make poha recipe, Red rice poha recipe, onion pohaFestive seasons always find my house with some guest or the other. Some stay or some come for breakfast, lunch or dinner. It is always a pleasure to cook something which is friendly to the most exacting pallet. One day as i sat flicking pages of a magazine which was among my treasured things, a yellow slip of paper slipped down. I picked it up and to my pleasure it was in my aunt’s handwriting, giving the recipe to make poha. My mind went down the memory lane. How in my childhood I used to wolf down this lovely red rice poha dish.
My unbound love for this kanda poha recipe was quite famous and my kindly neighbour used to call me whenever she would make it or bring a bowl of this all time favourite dish to my house for my delectation. I used to love it so much that i used to request my mother to make it often. Its lightness and easily digestibility came to my knowledge only later.

What Is Poha?

Poha in english is commonly known as beaten rice or flattened rice. Call it a chura or aval or avalakki or chivda, poha is much loved popular Indian breakfast dish. It indeed has number of variations like kanda poha or onion poha in Maharsahtra. The another variation is aloo poha or batata poha very well loved in Gujarat. Furthermore, another special variant is Indori Poha that uses the special masala called as jeeravan masala. There are variety of poha available, like thin variety, medium thick and thicker variety poha.
The poha that I have been using to make poha recipe is of thicker variety and also rich in taste. Its high fibre content makes you feel full and contented for a longer period of time and helps in maintaining bowel health, lowers cholesterol, controls blood levels and also helps in weight loss, wow!! Weight loss…now that’s interesting isn’t it? This wonder rice flakes also helps in preventing anaemia because the iron in it carries oxygen to human blood cells. It helps increase metabolism rate also.

Red Rice Poha

Now that we are aware of its health benefits, let’s continue in glorifying this dish. Getting back to where I left the tongue and my stomach were more than satisfied by just having the dish. Looking pinkish with pieces of curry leaves coyly peeping out, green chillies providing the necessary spice, and the crisp groundnuts, making it tasty and inviting, it is certainly a dream dish. I love to serve this onion poha in the morning for breakfast and give the day a good start.
This kanda poha recipe is largely enjoyed as a Maharashtrian breakfast and even in Gujarat. It is a ‘must’ dish in all eateries, restaurants etc. It is very easy to make, and proves to be a dish which comes handy for any occasions. Unexpected guests, rainy days an apt company for travellers, so on…. No problem!! Poha Zindabad!! It has become very popular all over India, breaking the border and language barriers. Aval upma, Chivda, Rice flakes savoury it does enjoy many names. Besides being tasty, it is a nutritious dish.

Poha Ingredients

To make kanda poha Recipe, you can use white flattened rice as well as red rice poha. Here in this recipe of poha, i have opted for red rice poha variety. And as we are making onion poha, there has to be lot of chopped onions into it. The other ingredients are peanuts, green chillies, curry leaves, mustard seeds, turmeric powder, sugar, salt, lemon juice and oil. Once the onion poha is ready to serve after cooking it, garnish with lots of coriander leaves, grated coconut and sev.

Kanda Poha Recipe
Kanda Poha Recipe, How to make poha recipe, Red rice poha recipe, onion poha

5 from 7 votes

Poha Recipe

Kanda Poha - also known as onion poha is a popular Maharashtrian breakfast recipe that is super easy quick and healthy. Poha recipe is made using beaten rice or flattened rice, onion and basic spices. The recipe works best with both, red rice poha as well as white rice poha. Here is how to make poha recipe step by step

 CourseBreakfast, Snacks
 CuisineIndian, Vegan
 KeywordKanda Poha, Poha, Poha Recipe
 Prep Time10 minutes
 Cook Time10 minutes


to prepare poha

  • 2 Cups Rice poha (beaten rice), I have used red rice poha here
  • ¼ cup Peanuts
  • 1 large onion finely chopped
  • 2-3 Green chillies chopped /slit
  • 1 teaspoon Mustard seeds
  • 10-12 Curry leaves
  • 1 teaspoon Sugar
  • 1 ½ tablespoon Lemon juice
  • Salt to taste
  • Coriander leaves for garnishing
  • Sev for garnishing
  • 3 tablespoons Oil
  • Fresh grated coconut I haven't added though


how to make poha recipe (kanda poha recipe)

  • To begin with, first, clean and wash red rice poha and soak it for a minute along with little salt.
  • After a minute, strain the poha and  keep it aside.
  • Then, in a pan or kadai, heat oil. Firstly, add mustard seeds and allow it to crackle. Then, add Curry leaves, green chillies and fry for another few seconds
  • Add Peanuts and fry until it’s golden in colour and doesn’t get burnt.
  • Then, add onions and sauté until they turn soft and pink.
  • Add salt, turmeric and lemon juice, mix well and cook for another 30 seconds
  • Now, add red rice poha, sugar and mix, cook for another minute only
  • Finally, garnish kanda poha with coriander leaves and coconut (i have not added). Dish out and top with sev, serve hot.

How To Make Poha Recipe (Kanda Poha Recipe) Step By Step

To Cook Poha:

To begin with, first, clean and wash red rice poha and soak it for a minute along with little salt.
After a minute, strain the poha and  keep it aside.
Then, in a pan or kadai, heat oil. Firstly, add mustard seeds and allow it to crackle. Then, add Curry leaves, green chillies and fry for another few seconds
Add Peanuts and fry until it’s golden in colour and doesn’t get burnt.
Then, add onions and sauté until they turn soft and pink.
Add salt, turmeric and lemon juice, mix well and cook for another 30 seconds
Now, add red rice poha, sugar and mix, cook for another minute only
Finally, garnish kanda poha with coriander leaves and coconut (i have not added). Dish out and top with sev, serve hot.


Ingredients To Cook Upma Recipe

Talking about the ingredients, few spices are a must to cook suji ka upma .i.e mustard seeds, curry leaves, urad dal, chana dal and cashew nuts. Mustard Seeds, dals and curry leaves tempering gives distinct characteristic flavour that depicts a true South Indian Upma flavour. So, I would highly recommend using it in the recipe.
Cashew nuts adds great texture and nutty taste to soft upma, so do consider adding it to the recipe. However, if you are allergic to cashew nuts, then just skip it
Main component of this Upma recipe, of course is dry roasted semolina (rava). Significantly, roast the upma in ghee for rich flavour and taste.
The other seasoning ingredients are ginger, green chillies, onions, salt, sugar and lemon juice. Feel free to skip onions, if you want to make upma without it.
If you notice I have also added couple of veggies .i.e carrot and peas, as it was our lunch meal. But, if you wish, you can skip veggies, no any such rules to add vegetables is a must.
Next, I have used ghee to make this sooji upma, but you can use refined oil as well. However, ghee gives more enticing aroma and taste to it. Also, if you want a vegan option then, skip ghee and use any plant-based oil. Lastly, coriander leaves are used for garnish.

Rava Upma served in two small bowls, with two spoons in it.

Tips To Make Best Rava Upma Recipe At Home

  • If you like to eat it soft and melt in mouth upma, do add exact 3 cups of water to 1 cup of rava. This will give perfect softness preventing it to get dry.
    Note: Also, to make the perfect upma, always use the same measuring cup to measure the water that you are using to measure rava.
  • Another important thing here is, roasted semolina gives fine taste and earthy flavour to the recipe. So, do not forget roast the sooji in ghee (or oil, for vegan version) before proceeding to make upma
  • For best flavour, make Upma recipe in ghee only.
  • Stir continuously after adding the semolina, in order to avoid formation of any lump.

Serve Rava Upma With

Do serve this hot rava upma along with coconut chutneys and a cup of hot filter coffee. Mark my words, this combination is a heaven.
Now, quickly let’s head on to How to make rava upma at home

How To Make Upma Recipe – Step By Step

In a kadhai or pan, for roasting rava, heat 1/2 tablespoon ghee or oil. Add rava (semolina) and roast is for 2 minutes on medium taking care that it doesn’t burn, once roasted well, it will release nice roasted earthy aroma.
Rava roasting in ghee in a pan
Transfer it on a plate and set it aside.
Roasted Rava taken out on plate

To Cook Rava Upma Recipe

In a same pan, heat remaining ghee. Add mustard seeds and allow it to crackle. Now, add chana dal and urad dal and fry for 30 seconds until just golden, do not burn
Mustard seeds, urad dal and chana dal added in pan with hot ghee
Add cashew nuts and fry for another 30 seconds, until just light brown. Add curry leaves and green chillies, fry for 30 seconds.
Cashew nuts, green chilies and curry leaves added in pan
Now add chopped onions, grated ginger,salt and fry until soft and pink.
Chopped onions added in pan
Next, add  peas and carrot and fry on high for another minute.
Green peas and chopped carrot added in pan
Then, add 3 cups of water and mix. Bring to a boil and add sugar, lemon juice, mix
Water, lemon juice, salt and sugar added in pan
Now, gradually add roasted sooji/rava stirring continouosly to avoid any lumps. Mix well
Roasted Rava added in pan
Next, on a medium flame, allow it to cook for a minute such that rava absorbs all the water.
Rava Upma cooking in Pan
Now, cover and cook for 2-3 minutes on low heat. This helps to steam the sooji upma well. Here, you may add some more lemon juice also, if you wish to. Delicious soft suji ka upma recipe is ready to serve. Garnish with coriander leaves and serve
Cooked Upma recipe

Sarson Ka Saag

Sarson saag (mustard leaves preparation) is a very famous delicacy from Punjab. This delicious saag is served with makke ki roti (bread ma...