Saturday 29 June 2019

Sarson Ka Saag

Sarson saag (mustard leaves preparation) is a very famous delicacy from Punjab. This delicious saag is served with makke ki roti (bread made with cornmeal). Sarson ka saag amd makke di roti is a very popular combo in Punjab. Now a days in winter time one can find this combo all the restaurants..Mustard leaves can be easily found in the Indian stores and also in supermarkets. In India this delicious and famous combo is usually made in cold weather when green eafy vegetables are easily available. There are so many different ways to make sarson ka sagg here I am sharing my recipe of sarson ka saag which is easy to follow, delicious, and is our family’s favorite. Enjoy this Punjabi delicacy and do not forget to share your comments. Happy cookimg, Shuchi.
sarson ka saag
Preparation Time: 10 minutes 
time: 15 minutes 
Approximately 120 calories in each serving

Ingredients (Serves 4)
Mustard Leaves 400 gms/1 bunch
Spinach 350 gms/ 1 bunch
Green chilies 4-5
Fenugreek powder ¼ tsp
Onion 1 medium
Ginger 1 inch piece
Cornmeal (makke ka aata) 1½ tbsp
Salt 1 tsp
Garam masala ½ tsp
Lemon juice 1 tsp
Ghee 2 tbsp 
Ingredients to serve:
Ghee/ Butter for serving 2-3 tbsp
Makke di Roti
Ingredients to boil the greens:
Water 1 cup
Salt ½ tsp
Sugar ¼ tsp

Method of preparation:

  1. Remove thick and hard stems of mustard and spinach leaves and wash them thoroughly. Do not need to discard the young and tender stems. Leave mustard and spinach in a colander to remove extra water.
mustard leaves
mustard leaves
  1. Boil 1 cup water in a big sauce pan. Add ½ tea spoon salt and ¼ tea spoon sugar (to maintain the green color), boil the mustard leaves in the hot water till tender. It takes about 3-5 minutes to boil the mustard leaves.
  2. Now add spinach leaves. Boil the leaves for 2 mintes. Turn of the heat. Let the greens cool down for 5-10.
  3. Remove the stem and wash the green chilies.
  4. Make a coarse paste of boiled mustad leaves, spinach leaves and green chilies. Make sure the paste is coarse (do not overgrind).
coarsely ground greens
coarsely ground greens
  1. Peel wash, and finely chop the onion. Peel , wash and finely chop the ginger.
  2. In a wok, heat the 2-3 table spoon ghee. Add chopped onions. Fry the onions until it gets transluscent (takes about 2-3 minutes) . Add grated ginger and fry for 30 seconds.
  3. Add coarse paste of greens in the sauted onions and cook for 5 minutes.
  4. Mix 1 table spoon makke ka aata (cornmeal) with 2 tbsp water. Make a thick paste. Add this makke ka paste in greens. Mix well and add salt, garam masala, and fenugreek powder. Mix well and cook for 7-8 minutes.
  5. Turn off the heat. Add lemon juice. Taste and adjust the spices as per taste. Delicious saag is ready.
sarson ka saag
  1. Pour hot ghee onto the saag at the time of serving. Serve hot saag with makke ki roti and jaggery (गुड़).
sarson ka saag

Some Tips/ Suggestions:

  1. We need makke ka aata (cornmeal) for this recipe, but not corn starch.
  2. If you do not eat onions make this saag without using onion, the saag tastes good even without onions.
  3. Do not overcook the mustard and spinach, as overcooking will not only fade the color of the greens but also affect the taste.

Recipe of Makke Di Roti

makke di roti

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Sarson Ka Saag

Sarson saag (mustard leaves preparation) is a very famous delicacy from Punjab. This delicious saag is served with makke ki roti (bread ma...